
Showing posts from April, 2024

Your Antique Books Could Be Poisonous to The Touch. Here's What to Look For.

There's a Whole Other Class of Dementia We Know Shockingly Little About

Physicists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab. Then It Began to Glow.

Concerning Levels of Uranium And Lead Found in The Urine of Teens Who Frequently Vape

Buried Monuments in Ancient Ireland Could Be a Path Into The Afterlife

Genes For Depression Can Affect The Situations We Find Ourselves in

Humans Can Absorb Toxic Flame Retardants Through Skin, Study Finds

'Strongest Statistical Evidence Yet' For Planet Nine Has Been Found, Scientist Says

There's an Awkward Link Between Plastic Production And Pollution We're Not Considering

Haunting Sounds Made From The World's Largest Living Thing Recorded

There Really Is Something Strikingly Malicious in The Way Cocaine Rewards Our Brains

Ancient DNA Unveils Family Secrets of a Lost Nomadic Culture in Europe

Common Blood Pressure Drug Increases Lifespan And Slows Aging in Animals

Breakthrough Vaccine Shows High Protection Against Drug-Resistant Superbug in Mice

U.S. FDA approves Pfizer's BEQVEZ™ (fidanacogene elaparvovec-dzkt), a one-time gene therapy for adults with Hemophilia B

NASA's Advanced Solar Sail Has Successfully Deployed in Space

Superradiance Could Solve Atomic Clocks' Precision Challenges

Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Study Reveals

Study Links Preference For Loud Cars to Some Unsurprising Personality Traits

24% of Traceable Plastic Pollution Linked to Just 5 Corporations

Over 1,000 New Additions to Our Solar System Were Hiding in Hubble's Archives

For The First Time, Scientists Capture The Protein-Lipid Dance on Video

Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes

New Viral Variant Evolved Inside Man With Record COVID Infection

There's One Reason For Feeling Unwell at Work That Almost Half of Us Hide

Lyrid Meteor Shower Meets 'Pink Moon' Tonight: Here's Where, When, And How to Watch

Stunning Remains of Great White Shark's Giant Ancestors Reveal a Surprising Diet

It's Official: Scientists Finally Confirmed What's Inside The Moon

Some Images Are So Memorable They Can Mess With Your Sense of Time

Every New Memory You Make Causes Damage to Your Brain Cells

Epic Flyby of Jupiter's Hellish Moon Reveals a Lava Lake That Could Swallow Cities

2023 Was Even Hotter Than Predicted, Raising Fears We're in Uncharted Territory

Researchers develop a new way to safely boost immune cells to fight cancer

Physicists Say The Ultimate Battery Could Harness The Power of Black Holes

Physicists Think The Infinite Size of The Multiverse Could Be Infinitely Bigger

Too Much Junk Food Could Cause Lasting Damage to The Brain

You Can Actually Order Your Very Own Invisibility Shield Right Now

Study Uncovers Serious Side Effects From Common Dementia Drugs

One of Life's Most Important Ingredients Could Have Formed in The Hearts of Comets

Prepare Yourself. A Massive Wave of Cicadas Is About to Erupt in The US.

Venus Is Leaking Carbon And Oxygen, And We Don't Know Why

Could Vitamin D Be The Secret to Slowing Human Aging?

Indonesian 'Ring of Fire' Volcano Eruption Sparks Tsunami Alert, Evacuations

Never-Before-Seen Quantum Hybrid State Discovered on Arsenic Surface

Ancient Bones Hint at The Most Colossal Marine Reptile The World Has Ever Seen

We Have The First Evidence of Ancient Human Life in This Vast Lava Tube Cave

We Finally Know How Pluto Got Its Heart: an Ancient Cosmic 'Splat'

Voynich Manuscript Finally Decoded? Medieval Sex Secrets May Hide in Mysterious Text

Science Confirms Hugs Can Ease Pain, Anxiety, And Depression

A Strange Ritual Murder Was Repeated Across Europe For More Than 2,000 Years

NASA Announces It Needs a New Plan For Retrieving Its Martian Rock Samples

There Could Be a Strange Link Between Menstrual Cycles And The Moon After All

Scientists Unlock The Mystery of How We Taste Bitterness

Radical NASA Study Says This Spacecraft Formation Could Reveal New Physics

This Freaky Worm Has 'Outstanding Vision', And Scientists Don't Know Why

The Mystery of The Cleanest Air on Earth Can Finally Be Explained

Scientists Reveal Where Most 'Hospital' Infections Actually Come From

Scientists Invented a Bizarre New Material That Gets Tougher When You Hit It

Mysterious Stars at The Heart of The Milky Way Hide a Dark Secret

Study Reveals Most Valued Traits in a Romantic Partner, And It's a Nice Surprise

The EPA Just Issued New Drinking Water Limits For 'Forever Chemicals'

NASA Mission Accidentally Sends Space Rocks Hurtling Towards Mars

Your Sex Could Affect How Well You Sleep at Night. Here's Why That Matters.

Does cannabis use affect cognitive decline?

Enigmatic 'Dragon's Egg' Star Is a Magnetic Monster And We Finally Know Why

Organic Material Detected in Eggshell Fossils Could Unlock Dinosaur Secrets

NASA Spots Surfboard-Shaped Object Speeding Past The Moon

Experimental Treatment For Spinal Cord Injury Shows Improvement in 7 of 10 Patients

Scientists Create Levitating Graphite Plate For Ultra-Sensitive Quantum Sensors

Black Hole Effects on Quantum Information Discovered in Everyday Chemistry

3,000-Year-Old Pottery Reveals Trade Networks in Australia Long Before Colonization

Magnetic Star Awakens After Sleeping For 10 Years And It's Acting Super Weird

Global Loneliness Epidemic Hitting Middle-Aged Americans Hardest of All

Giant Cosmic Bubbles Have Given a New Precision Measurement of Expanding Space-Time

This Japanese Diet Is Linked to Less Brain Shinkage in Women, Experts Say

Mysterious 'Zombie Neurons' Unlock Secrets of Learning in The Brain

Man Hospitalized With Rare Virus After Monkey Bite in Hong Kong

Injecting Sulfur Into The Atmosphere Could Pose Dangerous Risks

Alzheimer's Is More Common in Women, And This May Help Explain Why

Mysterious Fragments of Glass in Australian Outback Have Cosmic Origins

Ancient Roman Site Found Frozen in Time in The Wreckage of Pompeii

Scientists Accidentally Made a Mouse Grow Legs in Place of Genitals

This Tiger Was Thought Extinct. Then a Single Strand of Hair Was Found.

Microplastics Are Infiltrating Archeological Remains, Scientists Warn

Math Homework Can End Up Doing More Harm Than Good, Study Shows

Keep Your Eyes Peeled: 'Devil Comet' May Show During Solar Eclipse

First Images of Human Brain From World's Most Powerful MRI Revealed

Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab With Vibrating Molecules

This Prickly New Material Literally Pops Viruses, With Up to 96% Success

Scientists Identified Four Distinct Sleep Types – And How They Affect Health

NASA Is Creating a 'Moon Standard Time'

One Animal Spreads More Viruses Than Any Other And It's Not What You'd Think

Are Weight-Loss Drugs Like Ozempic For You? Consider These Risks (And Benefits).

'Ozempic Babies' – Just TikTok Hype or Does It Interfere With Birth Control?

If You Want to Feel Young And Rejuvenated, One Habit Is Key

Wild Birds Seen Using Their Wings to Politely Gesture in a Surprising First

Breaking: Officials Report Texan Infected With Bird Flu After Exposure to Cattle

Plants Really Do 'Scream'. We've Simply Never Heard It Until Now.

Venting Doesn't Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Finds

The Hidden Cause of Alzheimer's May Have Been Identified a Century Ago

Lab Results Show Your Cannabis May Be Incredible, And Not in a Good Way

The Weirdest Eyes in The Animal Kingdom See a World We Can't Even Imagine

Eating Fatty Food Days Before Surgery May Impair Memory