
Showing posts from July, 2023

Grisly Experiment Reveals What Happens to Decomposing Bodies

Bodybuilding Supplement Shown to Stave Off Dementia in Mice

Florida Is So Hot, Scientists Are Taking Coral Out of The Ocean

Mysterious Creatures Feed Microbes to Their Babies in New Scientific First

Scientists Discover a New, Unexpected Way That Cancer Cells Spread

Freakishly Large Viruses With Arms And Tails Found in Massachusetts

We May Have Found The Part of The Brain Where Conscious Experience Lives

Ethereal New Image Reveals The Birth of Giant Jupiter-Like Worlds

N. Atlantic Is Poised to Set a Record-High Surface Temperature Earlier Than Expected

Scientists Create The 'Most Detailed Map' of The Human Heart To Date

Scientists Invented an Entirely New Process For Refrigerating Things

Study Finds That We Can Reduce Our Cancer Risk Thanks to Vigorous Everyday Activities

Filtering Out Alien Signals From Earth Noise Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

This Filter-Feeding Shark Is Not Cold-Blooded, And It's Confusing Scientists

Mummy Powder And Fart Sniffing: The Weirdest Medical Treatments We Once Relied On

843 Million People May Live With Lower Back Pain by 2050 if We Don't Act Now to Help

Immune Cells Patrolling The Human Eye Are Not What Scientists Thought

Scientists Discover The Genetic Switch to Induce 'Virgin Births' in Fruit Flies

Fragile X Syndrome: New Hopes of Treatment For Genetic Disorder

Frozen Pathogens Are Waking Up, And Scientists Say The Risk Is Real

'Once in a Lifetime' Comet Is Shaped Like The Millennium Falcon

A Giant Planet Seems to Be Lurking Unseen in Our Solar System

A Giant Chunk of Peru's Coastline Is Getting Greener, But That's Not a Good Thing

Your Hands Probably Weigh Twice as Much as You Think They Do

Experts Reveal 7 Key Tips to Avoid Weight Regain After You Diet

Pfizer announces executive leadership to advance oncology research and development strategy

No Gym? These 3 Things Make Home Exercise Just as Effective

Machu Picchu: Ancient DNA Sheds New Light on Lost City of The Incas

Bizarre True Story: Physicists Once Put a Ferret in a Particle Accelerator

Electrical Pulses That Trigger Venus Flytrap Mapped For The First Time

Crohn's Disease: Scientists Say Bacteria in The Mouth May Be a Cause

A Drone Flew Into Siberia's 'Doorway to The Underworld' And The Footage Is Epic

Man Tests Positive For MERS-CoV in Abu Dhabi, WHO Reports

6.4-Sigma Event: Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Lowest Point Since Official Records Began

Water Temperatures Off Florida Coast Soar Above 100 Degrees, Possibly Setting A World Record

Exquisitely Preserved Fossil Forest Uncovered in Japan

What Is Nuclear Fission?

A Signal Hidden in Your Blood Predicts Dementia Risk Decades in Advance

Hidden Drugs: New Illicit Substances That Only Activate Inside Your Body

There's a Weird Link Between Bees And Money, And It Goes Back Thousands of Years

Experts Say Decades of Recycling Hype Has Backfired Dramatically

Watch Dozens of Sharks Feasting on The Carcass of a Dead Whale

A Hidden Line Deep in The Ocean Divides Animals Into Two Camps

NASA Asteroid Impact Mission Triggers Surprise Avalanche of Space Boulders

Oxford Scientists Confirm Vegan Diet Is Massively Better For Planet

This Robot Is a Crash Test Dummy For The Deadly Heat of Tomorrow

The Largest And Most Powerful Wind Turbine Ever Built Is Now Operational

Giant Mystery: This Huge Galaxy Seems to Have No Dark Matter

40% of Sports Supplements Don't Contain Ingredients On The Label, US Study Finds

Ancient Underwater Volcano Off Canada Is Still Active, And Teeming With Life

Study Finds a Key Way to Build Trust in Science – And It's Not Education

Italian Study Shows How Espressos Keep Alzheimer's Protein Clumps In Check

Researchers Find Evidence of The Oldest Known Curry in Southeast Asia

The 'Immortal Jellyfish' Can Age in Reverse And Possibly Live Forever

We Contain a Variety of Microbiomes. Here's a Look at a Few of The Most Important.

New Solar Panels Can Heal Themselves From Damage in Space

Scientists Have Just Mapped Our Body's Organs in Exquisite Detail

Massive, Cloud-Like Planet Discovered That's as Fluffy as Cotton Candy

Ancient Soil Found in a Freezer Reveals an Ice-Free Greenland, Hints at Future Risks

Spanish Study Reveals Secrets to Superagers' Long Lives And Sharp Minds

1.3 Billion People Are Projected to Be Living With This Disease by 2050, Says Study

Many Vital Drugs Are Now Impossible to Find. Here's Why.

Pfizer announces New England Journal of Medicine publication on Group B Streptococcus (GBS) maternal vaccine candidate

Landmark Trial Suggests Hearing Aids Help Reduce Cognitive Decline

18-Year-Old's Science Reporting Leads Stanford President to Quit

Scientists Diagnose The Youngest Case of Alzheimer's Ever Reported

We Just Discovered What Actually Changes The Size of Your Pupils

A Cracked Piece of Metal Healed Itself in an Experiment That Stunned Scientists

Cave Near Jerusalem Shows Signs of Use as a "Portal to The Underworld"

The Upper Temperature Limit For Human Safety Is Lower Than We Thought

This Fuzzy Caterpillar Conceals a Venom Unlike Any Ever Seen in Insects

People Who Don't Get COVID Symptoms Share a Common Feature

Sixth HIV Patient Declared in Remission "Will Need to Be Watched Closely"

The Last Declared Chemical Weapons on Earth Have Been Officially Destroyed

Does Exercise Actually Help You Lose Weight? Here's What The Evidence Says.

What Is Making This Year So Damn Hot?

Surfboard-Stealing Otter in California Reveals a Troubling Human Trait

Mercury Appears to Have Its Own Strange Aurora After All

Flagship Pioneering and Pfizer partner to accelerate development of innovative medicines targeting unmet needs

It Turns Out An Ancient Creature Actually Preyed Upon Dinosaurs

Earth's Day Was Stuck at 19.5 Hours Long For Over a Billion Years

Mysterious Spread of Bird Flu in Cats in Poland, WHO Reports

Europe Breaks Temperature Record, But Admits It's Only Temporary

Titanic Was Found by Secret US Navy Mission: The 'Spooky' True Story

Mysterious Giant Object Washes Up on Remote Australian Beach

Cold Exposure Boosts Metabolism, But Scientists Can't Agree on Why

Here's The Real Reason You Need to Take Your Laptop Out at Airports

World Swelters as Fierce Fires And Heat Scorch Multiple Continents

Neuroscientists Reveal 5 Things They Do to Keep Their Brains Healthy

Mysterious Labyrinth Found Hidden Under a Church in Mexico

Your Chances of Getting Bitten by Venomous Snakes Are Increasing – Here's Why

People Believe in Conspiracy Theories For a Perfectly Logical Reason

This Drug Might Offer Hope For Those With Difficult-to-Treat Depression

This Blind Fish Lives in Darkness, But Somehow It Can Still Perceive Light

We Finally Know Why Ancient Roman Concrete Stood The Test of Time

Death Valley Could Reach The Hottest Temperature to Ever Be Reliably Measured on Earth

Unborn Babies Use a Special Gene to Steal Nutrients From Mum

Physicists Just Figured Out How Wormholes Could Enable Time Travel

Scientists Discover There's Something Unexpected About This Newly Detected Pentaquark

A Brown Dwarf Star That's Barely as Hot as a Pizza Oven Is Doing Something Special

Photonic Time Crystals Generated From Rapid Shifts in Laser Light

WHO Declares Aspartame Possibly Carcinogenic. Here's What It Means For Your Diet Soda.

This Breathtaking Video Will Take You to The Dawn of The Universe

People With Complete Color Blindness Given Their First Sight of Color

This Meteorite Left Earth. Thousands of Years Later, It Came Back.

Alzheimer's Can Strike as Young as 30. These Are The Signs to Watch For.

Painting 2% of Earth White Would Stop Global Warming, Scientist Says

World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Rocket Engine Begins Construction

This 17th-Century Aristocrat Had a Crafty Secret For Keeping Her Teeth

Ancient 'Outsider' Human Species Pinpointed in Oldest Genetic Study Yet

Future Space Telescopes Could Return to Old Lens Technology to Save Costs