
Showing posts from February, 2023

Nanosatellite shows the way to RNA medicine of the future

US Departments Now Divided on COVID Lab Leak Theory, Says White House

New Study Reveals Yet Another Surprising Function of Telomeres

Scientists Have Recorded Brain Waves From Octopuses Just Living Their Lives

You Might Survive a Nuclear Blast if You're in This Kind of Shelter, Finds New Study

This Planet Is Way Too Big to Be Orbiting This Teeny Tiny Star

Scientists Aren't Sure if This Orca Adopted or Abducted a Baby Pilot Whale

We Now Know Why Zebra's Stripes Are So Effective

Where We Get Wind From May Blow You Away

All Living Cells Could Have The Molecular Machinery For a 'Sixth Sense'

Google Reaches a Major 'Milestone' in Making Quantum Computing Usable

AI conjures proteins that speed up chemical reactions

This Strange Ancient 'Fossil' May Not Have Been Left by Any Living Thing

Creepy Study Shows How Fungi Lure Tree-Killing Beetles to Their Next Prey

'Ghostly' Glow of Entangled Light Now Reveals Hidden Objects Better Than Ever

Bows Were Being Used in Europe 40,000 Years Earlier Than We Thought

Martian 'Lightning' Could Play a Major Role in The Planet's Chlorine Cycle

AstraZeneca enters license agreement with KYM Biosciences for CMG901, a Claudin-18.2 antibody drug conjugate

A Nail Hole in This Roman Skull May Have Been an Outdated Public Health Measure

The White Specks in This Image Aren't Stars or Galaxies. They're Black Holes

Pfizer's elranatamab receives FDA and EMA filing acceptance

Astronomers Detect 6 Massive Galaxies So Old They Can't Be Explained by Science

Evidence of One of The Earliest Brain Surgeries Has Been Uncovered in Israel

Lessons From Ukraine Are Escalating Research Into Developing Killer Robots

The Secret to The Naked Mole-Rat's Unique Fertility Has Finally Been Revealed

There Might Be a Simple Reason We Haven't Found Life on Mars

Scientists Witness The 'Tipping Point' of Alzheimer's in The Lab For The First Time

We Finally Know What Japan's Eerie Mummified Mer-Monkey Really Is

Engineers Create an 'Impossible' Light Sensor With an Efficiency of 200%

This Wooden Phallus Might Be a Rare 2,000-Year-Old Dildo

Largest Study of Its Kind Shows How Long Immunity Really Lasts After COVID Infection

Think You Know What Normal Blood Pressure Is? New Study Suggest You're Probably Wrong

Jupiter's Largest Moons All Have Aurorae That Glow Deep Red And 15x Brighter Than Ours

Discovery of Two New Forms of Salt Water Could Rewrite Fundamental Chemistry

There Could Be Upward-Moving Silicon-Rich 'Snow' in Earth's Outer Core

Group of Scientists Propose a New Driver of Alzheimer's Disease: Fructose

Mushroom Extract Shown to Dramatically Improve Brain-Cell Growth in The Lab

Working on a Task With Another Person Changes Your Brain Activity, Study Finds

Unexpected Footage Shows Possums Feasting on Kangaroos in The Australian Alps

2,200-Year-Old Flush Toilet Found in China Likely One of The Oldest Ever Discovered

Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos Are Expanding Their Territory Almost 3 Miles a Year

A Bunch of New Funnel Web Spiders Have Been Found Going Blind in Israeli Caves

Scientists Have Engineered A New Type of Flour That Keeps You Fuller For Longer

Traffic Lights Could Have a 4th Color in The Future. Here's Why.

A Giant Planet Seems to Be Lurking Somewhere in Our Solar System

Pfizer announces The Lancet Neurology has published Phase 3 data for zavegepant for the acute treatment of migraine in adults

Before Human-Made Climate Change, Was Earth Actually in a Cooling Phase?

Amazing Photos Reveal The Great White Shark's Incredible Ability to Heal

Psychopaths Appear to Possess a Mysterious Evolutionary Benefit

This New 'Smart Necklace' Can Help Smokers Quit Cigarettes. Here's How.

Our Planet Appears to Immediately Contaminate Meteorites Upon Arrival

Even a Small Amount of Alcohol During Pregnancy Linked to Changes in a Child's Face

Astronomers Have Found Signs of a 'Missing Link' Black Hole Hidden in Our Own Galaxy

Microsoft's Bing Chatbot Has Started Acting Defensive And Talking Back to Users

Snakes Can Hear You Better Than You Think

Sea Ice Surrounding Antarctica Hit a New Record Low, Putting Ice Shelves at Risk

Receptor location matters for psychedelic drug effects

Scientists Detect Signs of Hidden Structure Inside Earth's Core

Neurologists Diagnose The Youngest Case of Alzheimer's Ever Reported

We've Just Seen an 'Exceptional' Once-in-a-Millennium Space Explosion

Radical Theory Proposes Black Holes Are The Source of Mysterious Dark Energy

Brain Implants Like Neuralink Could Change Your Personality In Surprising Ways

Haunting Unseen Footage of The Titanic Is Being Released Right Now: Watch Live

Here's What The Ohio Train Wreck Really Has in Common With The Chernobyl Disaster

Roche announces donation of essential medicines and diagnostic solutions to the people affected by the devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

Colliding Neutron Stars Created a Sphere So Perfect It's Shocked Physicists

Packing Aerogel With Uranium Could Give Us The Space Engine We've Been Looking For

We've Forgotton The Potential Horrors of What a Nuclear Winter Would Be Like

There's an Amazing Link Between Zebra Stripes And How Our Fingerprints Grow

Sketches Hint Leonardo da Vinci Grasped Gravity a Century Ahead of Newton

Cocaine Addiction Makes The Human Brain 'Age' Faster, Scientists Warn

Blazing Asteroid Lights Up The Sky Just Hours After Being Spotted

Astronomers Detect a Mass Migration of Stars Converging on Andromeda

Scientists Reveal How Humans First Populated The Ancient Megacontinent of Sahul

Physicists Say Aliens May Be Using Black Holes as Quantum Computers

Does a Vast Network of Fungi Connect Forests? Here's What We Know.

EHT Peers Into The Heart of One of The Brightest Lights in The Universe

Freak Accident Kills Man After MRI Machine Triggers Loaded Handgun

New Breakthrough Brings Quantum Computers a Huge Step Closer

What's The Secret of People Who Never Catch COVID? Are They Immune?

Amazing Prototype Reveals The Moon Like We've Never Seen It Before

Astronomers Find 'Mirror Image' of The Milky Way From Billions of Years Ago

World's Wealthiest May Actually Be Less Intelligent Than Those Who Don't Earn As Much

CAR-T cell cancer immunotherapy gets personal

Readily Available Anti-Inflammatory Drug Rejuvenates Blood Production in Mice

All The Arthropods That Call Earth's Land Home Weigh More Than Humans And Livestock

Air Pollution Isn't Only Bad For Lungs, Say Studies. It's Also Bad For Mental Health

But Wait: What if The Hypothetical Planet Nine Has Moons?

A Cactus Species Is Spreading Fast in an Unexpected Region of The World

Adorable Study Tests How Dogs Respond to Wild Wolf Calls – And, Yes, There's Footage

ChatGPT Can Almost Pass The US Medical Licensing Exam

Getting Rid of a Chronic Cough Is Tougher Than You Think

Think There's a 'Dark Personality' in Your Office? Here's What to Do About It

Astronomers Detect a Strange New 'Molecular Bubble' Structure in Space

Mysterious Dark Galaxy Emits No Visible Light, Scientists Say

These Are The Safest Seats on a Plane, And Most People Don't Book Them

Beetroot Really Can Boost Athletic Performance, And This Is Why

Part of The Sun Has Broken Off And Formed a Vortex… What The Heck Is Going on?

Oldest Stone Tools Ever Found Were Not Made by Human Hands, Study Suggests

Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Didn't Come From NASA Satellite After All

World's Deadliest Mushroom Changed How It Reproduces as It Spreads Across The US

Even While Dormant, Volcanoes Leak Climate-Changing Gasses Into The Atmosphere

Latest Mind-Blowing Suggestion For Cooling The Planet Involves Blasting The Moon

Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue Stark Warning to Humanity

Turns Out Elephants May Play a Crucial Role in Saving The Planet

Mysterious Eruption Detected on Star Could Help Explain Fast Radio Bursts

Codebreakers Have Deciphered The Lost Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots

2022 Otto Bayer Award goes to Professor Frank Glorius

Desperate For a Dip in a Hot Tub? A Quick Sniff Might Change Your Mind

Cleaning Up Pollution Could Help Prevent The Next 'Silent Pandemic'

JWST Has Accidentally Detected a Tiny Asteroid 'Hidden' Between Mars And Jupiter

A Seismologist Explains The Science of The Devastating Türkiye-Syria Earthquake

Ancient Jurassic Predator Emerged From Ghost Ancestor, Scientists Say

'Extinct' Coronaviruses Still Thrive in North America, Just Not in Humans

Scientists pinpoint protein that helps cancer-causing viruses evade immune response

Rare Genetic Disease Appears to Defend Ashkenazi Jews Against TB