
Showing posts from February, 2022

ADHD Linked to 'Significantly Higher' Risk of Hoarding, New Study Finds

Hidden Turbulence in The Atmosphere of The Sun Revealed by New AI Model

This 500-Year-Old Landslide Found in The Red Sea Could Trigger a Future Tsunami

Mriya, The World's Largest Plane, Has Been Destroyed by Russia's Strikes on Ukraine

Video: How Far Away Would You Need to Be to Survive a Nuclear Blast?

A Major UN Climate Change Report Was Just Approved by Nearly 200 Nations

Here's The Impact That Walkable Neighborhoods Can Have on Your Physical Health

What Freezing Ants Can Tell Us About How Their Memory Works

Gruesome Skull Discovery Contains The Earliest Evidence of Ear Surgery

This Weirdly Tilted Black Hole Could Upend Our Understanding of How They Form

Curiosity Rover Snapped This Photo of a Tiny And Delicate Mineral 'Flower' on Mars

What Can Minecraft Offer in Non-STEM Education? Plenty, According to a New Study

For The First Time, a Tatooine-Like Planet Has Been Detected Via a Wobbling Star

Neuroscientists Find Part of The Brain That Responds Specifically to Singing

2 Supermassive Black Holes Are Locked in The Tightest Orbit We've Seen Yet

Despite Roscosmos Chief's Hostile Tweets, NASA Says ISS Cooperation Will Continue

Chernobyl's Radiation Spiked 20 Times Above Usual Levels as Russian Forces Arrive

Low-Meat Diets Linked to Lower Cancer Risk, Hints Study of Nearly 500,000 People

We Now Have The Largest Ever Human 'Family Tree', With 231 Million Ancestral Lineages

Chernobyl Power Plant Captured by Russia, Leading to Fears of Radioactive Waste Spread

Dogs Seem to Truly Grieve For Their Lost Canine Buddies, Survey Reveals

Colossal Shock Wave Rippling Across Space Is Bigger Than Our Entire Galaxy

Scientists Built a Coronavirus From Scratch, Then Saw It Trying to Hide

Earth's Water Cycle Is Changing Dramatically, And Much Faster Than We Predicted

'Death Came in Spring': New Evidence Shows When The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Struck

The Brain Waves of a Dying Person Have Been Recorded in Detail For The First Time

Arcane Ritual Complex From 9,000 Years Ago Unearthed in Unprecedented Discovery

SMi's 5th Annual Pharmaceutical Microbiology East Coast Conference

Autoimmune diseases: discovery of central building block in immune cells

Lunar Rover Discovers Mysterious Glass Spheres on The Far Side of The Moon

It Must Be Incredible to Visit Antarctica. Here's Why You Shouldn't

The Mysterious Origins of King Tutankhamen's Space Rock Dagger Just Got Clearer

Giant Haul of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Spills The Lost Secrets of Mummification

Scientists Unearth The Ancient Bones of The Largest Jurassic Pterosaur Ever Found

Astonishing Image Captures The Epic Collision of Three Galaxies

Scientists Attached Tracking Devices to Magpies. But Nobody Asked The Magpies

The Most Powerful Space Telescope Ever Might Detect Alien Life. Here's How

Mystery Deepens as China Denies Owning Space Junk Set to Crash Into Moon

BioNTech and Medigene announce global collaboration to advance T cell receptor immunotherapies against cancer

Astrophysicists Say 'Planetary Intelligence' Exists… But Earth Doesn't Have Any

Bayer delivers on medical innovation fueling transformation of pharma business

This Extremely Extreme Exoplanet Has Metal Vapor Clouds And Rains Liquid Jewels

A New Study Has Found The Year When Sea Level Rise Truly Began Accelerating

Newly Discovered Dinosaur From Argentina Belongs to a Rather 'Armless' Family

Physics Breakthrough as AI Successfully Controls Plasma in Nuclear Fusion Experiment

Large Review Identifies Common Household Things That Can Make Your Asthma Worse

Signs of 'Significant' Brain Rewiring Have Been Found in Space Travelers

Nearly 50% of Anti-Abortion Americans Would Still Help a Loved One Arrange It

A Mysterious Desert Bacterium Has Evolved Its Own, Unique Ability to Photosynthesize

Is a Low-Carb Diet So Much Better For Weight Loss? A New Review Brings The Evidence

In One Part of Europe, Soil Is Rapidly Degrading. It's a Warning to Us All