
Showing posts from December, 2021

Feast Your Eyes on The Last Hubble Pic For 2021 – A Distant, Smirking Galaxy

Polar Bears Keep Being Seen Hunting Reindeer, But There's More to The Story

Don't Forget The Time Scientists Grew 'Dinosaur Legs' on a Chicken

Biologist E. O. Wilson Dies at 92. His Legacy Is More Critical Now Than Ever

The Largest Known Flying Animal Was Even Weirder Than We Thought

There Was a Major Unexpected Benefit to James Webb's Christmas Launch

Even Drastic CO2 Cuts Won't Bring Back The Climate We've Lost

A Common Sugar Additive Could Be Driving The Rise of One of The Most Aggressive Superbugs

FYI, Rapid Antigen Tests May Give More False Negatives With Omciron

We May Finally Have The Basis of a Dog Allergy Vaccine

We Just Got The First Haunting Photo From NASA's Asteroid Deflecting Spacecraft

Astronomers See Black Hole Jets Blaze 16x Wider Than The Full Moon in Our Sky

China Accuses US of Unsafe Space Conduct After Near-Miss With Elon Musk's Starlink

MIT Scientists Design a 'Flying Saucer' That Could Float Across The Moon

The 3,000-Year-Old Mummy of a Famous Egyptian Pharaoh Has Been Digitally Unwrapped

Stopping dementia at the nose with combination of rifampicin and resveratrol

A Weird Paper Tests The Limits of Science by Claiming Octopuses Came From Space

Happiness Through Work? The Science of Work-Life Balance Might Surprise You

The Famous Fossils Scientists Got Incredibly Wrong

FDA authorizes additional oral antiviral for treatment of COVID-19 in certain adults

Death-Bringing 'Brain Tsunamis' Have Been Observed in Humans

Here's What You Really Should Know About 'Negative-Calorie' Foods, According to Experts

The Red Sky Paradox Will Make You Question Our Very Place in The Universe

Feast Your Eyes on The Annual Family Portraits Hubble Took of Our Solar System Giants

New study adds more evidence for Omicron immune evasion

Scientists Have Identified The Driving Force Behind Your Darkest Impulses

Do Auroras Make Sounds We Can Hear? The True Answer Is Surprisingly Complicated

The 'Somalaya Mountains' Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You'll Never Get to See

Affluent Children Are More Prone to Tooth Decay, First Meta-Study of Its Kind Reveals

It's Possible to Accidentally Develop an Allergy to Red Meat. Here's The Science

Success! The James Webb Space Telescope Has Launched

5 Out-of-This-World Telescope Photos of Space to Get You Excited For The JWST Launch

Scientists Identify a Previously Unknown Type of Storm, Called an 'Atmospheric Lake'

Stellar Video Shows Comet Leonard as It Zips by Earth For The 1st Time in 80,000 Years

It's a Christmas Miracle: The James Webb Space Telescope Is on The Launchpad!

Some People in Greenland Metabolize Sugars Differently

Vaxzevria significantly boosted antibody levels against Omicron

Scientists Unearth a Ginormous Triassic Sea Monster That Once Roamed The 'Superocean'

Alien Life Could Theoretically Survive Within Venus's Clouds, Scientists Say

Tsunamis' Magnetic Fields Can Be Detected Before Sea Levels Change

Scientists Have Mapped The World's Oldest Known Family Tree, Dating Back 6,000 Years

Early Studies Out of UK Indicate Omicron Has a Lower Hospitalization Rate Than Delta

Scientists Just Identified a Brand New Muscle Layer in The Human Jaw

FDA Authorizes First Oral Antiviral for Treatment of COVID-19

US Life Expectancy Has Taken Its Sharpest Drop in More Than 75 Years

Study Finds Alarming Levels of Microplastics in The Feces of People With IBD

Spectacularly Rare, Enormous Eagle Shows Up in North America, 5,000 Miles From Home

More Than 10,000 Studies Debunk Outdated Biological 'Explanation' For Male Success

Here's How Much Exercise Works Best For Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Shocking Fossil Reveals Car-Sized Millipedes Scuttled on Earth 326 Million Years Ago

FDA Just Approved The World's First Injectable Medication to Prevent HIV

COVID-19 vaccine protection wanes after three months, study suggests

Shockingly Abundant Life Found Thriving in Darkness Under an Antarctic Ice Shelf