
Showing posts from February, 2021

Scientists Find 140,000 Virus Species in The Human Gut, And Most Are Unknown

Scientists Use Weather Radar Tech to Watch Storms of Microbes Brew Inside Cells

Thousands of Human Skeletons Show Us The Evolutionary War Between Man And Disease

Breaking: US Regulators Approve Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

Recreated Particles of Titan's Haze Could Help Us Understand How Life Began on Earth

Ancient Roman Chariot Used in Parades Unearthed 'Almost Intact' Near Pompeii

NASA Deliberately Made Eerie Glowing Clouds... to Study Eerie Glowing Clouds

Dust From Asteroid That Ended Dinosaur Reign Closes Case on Impact Extinction Theory

Mega Iceberg About The Size of Los Angeles Just Broke Off From an Antarctic Ice Shelf

Cross-Cultural Study Finds Atheists And Believers Have Similar Moral Compasses

Feast Your Eyes on This Mind-Blowingly Close Photo of Venus

Woman Recovers From Mysterious Ulcer Disease After Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

Here Are 4 Key Things to Know About The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

Decades-Long Experiment Finds Strange Mix of Antimatter in The Heart of Every Proton

Arthritis drugs may reduce mortality and time in ICU for sickest COVID patients

Breathtaking Pic From Hawaii Shows Not One, But Two Rare Sky Phenomena

You're Not Imagining It. Climate Change Is Making Allergy Seasons Start Earlier

For The First Time, Physicists Have Filmed The Oscillation of a Time Crystal

Huge News: US Officials Approve Pfizer Vaccine Storage at Normal Freezer Temperatures

Turns Out We Don't Know Why Lungs Make Wheezing Noises. But We Just Got a New Clue

We Finally Know Why Dinosaurs Were Either Humongous or Tiny, Unlike Modern Animals

We Finally Know The True Age of These Huge, Mysterious Jars Scattered in Laos

Pfizer and BioNTech initiate a study as part of broad development plan to evaluate COVID-19 booster and new vaccine variants

Real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine

Controversial Stem Cell Therapy Has Helped Repair Injured Spinal Cords in 13 Patients

A Baby Sick With COVID-19 in Washington Had 51,000 Times More Viral Particles

Powerful X-Rays Reveal Unique Differences in Neurons From People With Schizophrenia

10,000-Year-Old Dog Remains From Alaska Hint at a Beautiful Tale of Migrating Together