
Showing posts from November, 2020

Moderna announces primary efficacy analysis in Phase 3 COVE study for its COVID-19 vaccine candidate and filing today with U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization

Scientists Confirm Entirely New Species of Gelatinous Blob From The Deep, Dark Sea

Neutrinos Prove Our Sun Is Undergoing a Second Type of Fusion in Its Core

Endometriosis May Actually Have a Genetic Link to 2 Common Health Conditions

That Bizarre Monolith in Utah Desert Has Now Mysteriously Disappeared

'Surge Upon a Surge' of Virus Cases Now Threatens to Decimate The US For One Reason

Laughter Is Important For Our Bodies And Minds - Here's What The Research Says

Study of 40,000 People Identifies a Key Personality Trait That Creates a Happy Family

These Medicinal Plants Have Evolved an Ingenious Way to Hide From Their Predators: Us

New Evidence Suggests COVID-19 Immunity Can Last 6 to 8 Months After Infection

AI Predicts 96% of COVID-19 Pneumonia Cases That Will Require Intensive Care

Our Solar System Is Going to Totally Disintegrate Sooner Than We Thought

In an Unexpected Twist It Turns Out Alligators Can Regrow Their Tails Too

Egypt Has Unearthed 160 Ancient Coffins Since September. Some Were Sealed With a 'Curse'

Scientists Have Located The Physical Source of Anxiety in The Brains of Mice

Moth Wings Have Evolved a Rare 'Metastructure' We've Been Trying to Make in The Lab

Scientists Propose a Brand New Periodic Table, And It's a Trip

On Monday You'll Be Able to See The Full Moon Pass Through Earth's Shadow

Scientists Detect Hints of Strange New Physics in The Universe's Background Radiation

A Day-by-Day Breakdown of Coronavirus Symptoms Shows How The Disease Progresses

Predict cellular drug targets against COVID-19

Stop Everything - It Turns Out Wombats Also Have Biofluorescent Fur

The Last Fertile Female in Guinea's Tool-Using Ape Tribe Has Successfully Given Birth!

Brain Scans Confirm There's a Part of You That Remains 'You' Throughout Your Life

Earth Is a Whole Lot Closer to Our Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole Than We Thought

International Symposium on Medication Therapy Management

Melting Ice Has Revealed a Spectacular Trove of Ancient Hunting Artifacts in Norway